Living the Franklin Pierce Experience means being an active part of a welcoming, inclusive 和 equitable 社区 of dreamers 和 doers. 澳门线上博彩公司官网办公室 多元化、公平和包容 provides resources 和 guidance to ensure that every member of our 社区 is celebrated in support of their race, gender identity 和 expression, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, creed, physical h和icap, 和/or 神经的多样性.
The Office 多元化、公平和包容 collaborates with departments, individuals 和 external organizations to foster 和 promote a respectful, accessible, 和 inclusive 社区.
- Preparing students to succeed in a racially diverse, culturally rich 和 intellectually 具有挑战性的世界;
- 支持ing 多样性 in curriculum, pedagogy 和 practice;
- Strengthening 多样性 recruitment, on-boarding 和 retention efforts;
- Developing a system of metrics to track 和 assess DEI progress;
- Facilitating educational programming 和 workshops addressing bias, difficult conversations, 和种族歧视;
- Promoting 多样性 in the arts, sports, 和 recreation to enhance 社区 relations; 和
- Influencing decision-making across our University 和 in our communities.
多样性、股票, 和 Inclusivity Statement from Our Strategic Plan: Pierce@60
- In the intrinsic worth of every person.
- In the value of 多样性 和 inclusion.
- That our differences ‒ perspectives, experiences, backgrounds ‒ strengthen our 社区.
- That Franklin Pierce University is a place where all are welcome.
- Embracing every person for who they are 和 who they wish to become.
- Addressing inequality while promoting equity 和 accessibility.
- Fostering a culture of care, respect, 和 safety within 和 outside the University.
- Nurturing the self-discovery 和 self-worth of every student.
To support Franklin Pierce’s 多样性, equity, 和 inclusion values, please contact 多样性@yucelyapidenetim.com.
RSN Delivers First Ever Spanish Language Broadcast for NCAA
Three members of Ravens Sports Network traveled to Matthews, North Carolina for the
乙组足球锦标赛. Together, they led the NCAA's first ever Spanish
language broadcasts of any championship game, regardless of division.
Erik Valdovinos '26 was on the call, supported by RSN producers/camera operators Richard
The Black Heritage Trail of New Hampshire thanks Jaffrey 社区 members for turning out to bear witness to the unveiling of a historic marker in honor of Amos Fortune, a formerly enslaved man who moved to the town in the 1800s.
你的手语流利吗? 认识的人?
Can you use some cash on an as needed basis?
The 多样性、公平和包容 Office is seeking students who are fluent in sign language to support the work of access 和 inclusion.
澳门线上真人博彩公司了解更多信息. 多样性@yucelyapidenetim.com.
支持 多样性, equity, 和 inclusion at Franklin Pierce by making a donation to 的一个.L.A.NA (African American, Latin, Asian, Native American) Alumni Promise Fund 在给予之日. Your donation will allow us to provide programs 和 services that 按规定交付 Pierce@60 objective of creating a campus environment that reflects the 多样性 of the students 澳门线上真人博彩公司所服务. Together we can empower students in their educational experience through a curriculum that addresses 多样性, equity, 和 inclusion. 在你们的支持下, we will continue to create an environment that acknowledges, respects, 和 appreciates 多元文化主义.
For information on joining the on campus LGBTQ clubs 和 events, contact the Gender 和 Sexuality Acceptance (GSA) student club at gsaclub@yucelyapidenetim.com.
office of 多样性, equity, 和 inclusion
(603) 899-1178
(603) 899-4278
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